平熱という名のマグマ《排熱日記》0/Magma Named Normal Heat 《Exhaust Heat Diary》0






I suddenly met the teacher I’ve been looking for for a long time.

Her favorite painters are Georges Rouault, Kokuta Suda, Umetaro Azechi, Gyujin Takamura, and Seisaku Saito. But everyone has already taken off the clothes of the flesh.

So the only way to learn is to read books.

And learn the spirit of creation.

However, the detailed technical details of how the work was drawn are not written in the book. Even though what I want to know is there.













It was the same when I was aiming to become an illustrator because I couldn’t find the style of painting I wanted to do and kept looking for it.

He does oil painting, pastels, colored pencils, colored ink, watercolors, poster colors, acrylic paints, copics…

He’s not as good as Edison’s “10,000 Ways That Won’t Work”, but he was pretty lost because he couldn’t find the way he wanted to express himself.

He tried various painting materials and continued to search for something that wasn’t this, and finally arrived at the G-pen.

He is surprisingly comfortable with the strength and weakness of the lines he wants to draw.

But he wasn’t going to be a cartoonist at the time, so he didn’t care about the G-pen. For some reason I thought the G-pen was a manga artist’s tool.

My life as an illustrator began when I met the G-pen. Even when it became digital, the pleasantness of the strength and weakness of that pen was the cornerstone of the illustration.

He has been an illustrator for over 20 years now. He doesn’t want to quit being an illustrator, but he’s found something he wants to create and express.

And it’s something that can’t be drawn with conventional painting methods.

But I can’t find that drawing method. I started to see it little by little.

If it’s not this, I’m not going to make excuses for not moving forward.

But he was always looking for “something” that he could take on.

金網と漆喰とわたくし/Wire mesh, plaster, and me









A few days ago, Miwa Horita couldn’t have imagined that “something” was “wire mesh and plaster”.

I met him suddenly. To a painter named Hiroyuki Saito.

Mr. Saito paints plaster on the wire netting, and paints the things there exquisitely with his unique painting method of acrylic paint.

On the first day of Mr. Saito’s solo exhibition “Noretsu Nikki in Chikuma”, I saw Mr. Saito’s production demonstration at the artist talk, and I knew that my soul was shaking.

While I wondered if I could use the leftover plaster from the roof work, my soul was trembling behind the scenes.

At this moment, Mr. Saito became Miwa Horita’s teacher. Arbitrarily, of course.

Mr. Saito is not only a picture, but also a wonderful writing. The synchronicity between the choice of words spelled out in “Noretsu Nikki” and the choice of motifs drawn in the picture is amazing.

Saito-san is probably just putting out what’s inside him, but it’s this temperature. A magma called normal heat. I wanted to be an artist like this.


斉藤さんの「一日一回は筆を持とうと思って毎朝描き始めた小さな絵。身の回りの風景や些細な日常のできごと。平熱だから感じる少しの温度。それからしばらくして書き始めたエッセイ。どちらも「平熱日記」(Normal Temperature Diary・ノーテン記)と名付けました。」


「一日一回は信仰の証としてApple Pencilもしくは筆を持って毎朝かみさまの絵を描くことにした。人生は奇跡の連続。生きていく中で興奮せずにはいられない。しかし、そんな熱を帯びた出来事も人間は時が経つと忘れてしまう。奇跡を忘れないためにも日々の奇跡を綴りたい。発生した熱(信仰心と奇跡)を利用した日記。そんな思いで「排熱日記」と名付けました。」



As an homage to Mr. Saito’s “Normal Heat Diary,” I decided to start “Exhaust Heat Diary.”

Mr. Saito’s “A small picture that I started drawing every morning thinking that I would pick up a brush at least once a day. The scenery around me and the trivial events of everyday life. The slight temperature I feel because I’m normal. After a while, I started writing an essay. Which one?” also named “Normal Temperature Diary”. ”

On the other hand, Miwa Horita’s “exhaust heat diary” is like this.

“I decided to draw a picture of Goddess once a day with my Apple Pencil or brush as a proof of my faith. Life is a series of miracles. As time goes by, people forget things that are accompanied by fever.I want to write miracles in my daily life so that I don’t forget miracles.A diary that uses the heat (faith and miracles) that arises.With that in mind, “exhaust heat” I named it “Diary”. ”

Yes, unnecessarily hot. Make good use of this waste heat and leave something behind.

Mr. Saito kindly said to me, “It’s not a patent or anything, so please feel free to do whatever you want with wire mesh and plaster.”

クリエイター(イラスト、漫画、熊手、ヒーリング、瓦職人)。 チーママをやっていたスナックランデブーは魂のかたわれ、はるじが肉体の衣を脱いだことにより閉店しました。ときどき企画&プロデュサー。どこにも偏り切れないカラフルな人。